4742 Mission Street, The Old El Tapatio now Almost Finished

4742 Mission Street is now a five-story building. It has been under construction for a few years. It looks to be a mix of residential and first-floor retail but the end result is still a bit of a mystery. The windows are in. The paint has dried. Who knows? It may be fenced-off for months or years as that is what can happen out here in the hinterlands of San Francisco.

The location was once El Tapatio, a dance hall with live bands.  A few years back I wrote about this historic location in a piece – El Tapatio Closed for Good – Another Live Music Venue in SF Gone.

El Tapatio Closed for Good – Another Live Music Venue in SF Gone

Out with the old. In with the new. I still think the ghost of Perez Prado is somewhere in that place.