Fort Funston – Fantastic Views of the Pacific Ocean

All the best things in life are definitely free and one of those free things is Fort Funston. Sonner or later every San Franciscan makes it to Fort Funston, the land at the edge of the continent, on  top of the bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Fort Funston is a favorite place to walk a dog, explore bunkers and tunnels from World War II, watch hang gliders soar high above the surf or simply look out into the abyss and ponder the meaning of life.  Along Skyline Boulevard, not too far from Westlake Shopping center, just past Lake Merced is Fort Funston. If you head south on Skyline, pretty soon you can veer off on Highway 1 and  drop down into the city of Pacifica.

Hold on to your hat. Fort Funston features 200-foot high sandy bluffs on San Francisco’s southwest coast where the winds blow reliably wildly. No surprise it is one of the premier hang-gliding spots in the country. A network of trails make it ideal for hiking and horseback riding. Dog owners will be happy to know they can take leashes off here. It is also home to the Fort Funston Native Plant Nursery, plus trails for hiking & horseback riding. – Golden Gates Nation Parks Conservatory

The cliffs are a bit steep on the edge so make sure Rover does not go over the side but besides that it is relatively safe. Fort Funston is a great place to go when the skies are clear and the sun is out. You can often see the Farallon Islands and all the way out to Point Reyes.

Hang glider Movie at Fort Funston
How to Get to Fort Funston

The easiest way is by car as there is a large parking lot. It is possible to get there by public transportation as the 58 Bus goes there. Best to get off at John Muir Drive and Skyline Boulevard and do the short hike to the cliffs. The trails are well-marked and obvious.