…after George Carlin’s death there was an opening in the public performance space- let’s call it the “obscenity vacuum,” in the American psychic for a vile crude entertainer. Americans love a sick joke and now we have one as president.
I miss George Carlin. It is too bad that he died, but he had it coming, what with all the jokes about and probably participation in hedonistic binge drug use and extreme risk taking. But George died way too young. George Carlin, the crude, brill÷iant philosophical comic left a cultural void in our society that perhaps was usurped by our current president. In no way am I saying that the present buffoon of a commander in chief is anywhere near as intelligent or brilliant as George Carlin, I only mean that after George Carlin’s death there was an opening in the public performance space – let’s call it the “obscenity vacuum,” in the American psychic for a vile crude entertainer. Americans love a sick joke and now we have one as president.
George Carlin was a brilliant observer of human behavior but also of language. He could riff for hours it seemed on how we take certain phrases and words for granted without really thinking about what we are saying. He stated the obvious with such directness it was both deep and funny all at once.
George Carlin hated Republicans with such a passion that often he would begin his show with rants about their stupidity and contradictions. Today comics have it easy with the current batch of Republicans. Everyday there is a ton of material. What routines would George have developed in 2018? We can only imagine.