People are making some sick money around here! I was walking down the street in SOMA and all these hundred and thousand dollar bills came flying out of this Audi sports car and they just keep driving.
— Anonymous conversation overheard on the streets of San Francisco – 2017
The tents with the homeless surviving inside sort of move around and play musical chairs with the freeway on-ramps. That has not changed in the last 5 years. The road repair in San Francisco sometimes means that the streets start talking another language, especially when riding a bike.

The season has turned from spring to summer. The fog is beginning to roll in and we head to the coast only at opportune times. Morning low tide is the best in the summer. If you land in San Francisco at SFO and head north up Interstate 101 in the afternoon, during summer the fog will dance with hills like two tango dancers. An amazing sight. Gives you hope that the house is not completely burning down. If the heat becomes unbearable out there on the plains, you can cool down here on the coast. Like winter in the Midwest a time to watch the weather report and nourish the few sunny days. By July 4th the fireworks will as usual be obscured by the fog.
Below are some photos from March and April 2017…
- The parking lots are falling into the ocean. This is from March when the waves were better.
- Two pickers at Sunday Streets on Valencia
- People are making some much money around here, I was walking down the street and all these thousand dollar bills came flying out of Audi sports car.
- Radio Havana on Valencia
- Looking down Ocean