Rants and More Rants – February 2025

I have created a new category Rants and More Rants. It is where I can write rambling screeds and jump from topic to topic. In George Carlin’s monologues he would often break into these types of rants by starting with “whhhhhhhhhhy”?  Sometimes in this crazy world, you have to just freestyle it.

I don’t know anything and have no perspective, but here is my comment…. I feel better now.
Barnstorm in 2013 on the defunct website Stoke Report

Why do the security people at federal buildings allow Elon Musk and his henchmen in the door? How is it possible that a private citizen can access government systems without security clearances? It is more difficult for a seventeen year-old to get into a bar these days.

Why are half the people interviewed on news shows from the Heritage Foundation?  Does the Heritage Foundation have a monopoly on white guys in ties talking about politics or the state of the news? Rarely do you get the likes of Ralph Nadar, Noam Chomsky or hundreds of other qualified and intelligent people on the main-stream press. Why does David Brookes always get the mic? He is one guy. We all know what he is going to say.

Why was there so little reporting about the avian flu before the election? Before the election many people thought the price of eggs was all Joe Biden’s fault. The media did little to report on what was actually happening. The larger issue is about large agribusinesses and large egg farms with 10.000 chickens all coughing in each other’s beaks in unison.

Why does the media rarely delve into the history of a subject but instead writes about personal narratives and a conflict? You see this with wars, environmental tragedies and the medical world. One after another stories about a transgender person struggles or running from a hostel environment. Endless pictures of transgender people and the narrative is always right versus left. Conservatives versus liberals. Never in the discussion is the recent history of the 2013 DSM 5 which is the real reason for this sea change. Rarely do you hear of the AMA (American Medical Association) or the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) and their medicalization of gender and their ability to profit off of the DSM 5.  Why not interview right-wing doctors and their take on the AMA? Why are the pharmaceutical companies not held to account for the fentanyl crisis? In 2025 the media seems to think that its goal is simply to confirm people’s biases, make issues into binary conflicts and do corporate America’s bidding.

Why are street cleaning tickets in San Francisco $97?
Seems a bit extreme for a situation where the city drives a truck around and mostly just blows the trash and leaves from one side of the street to another. Knock on wood. I have not had a ticket in a long while.

Those are my rants. “I don’t know anything and have no perspective, but here is my comment…. I feel better now.”