The Quarterly Report: A brief synopsis of the news in San Francisco over the last three months. Note: this is actually a six month synopsis as the October 2022 Quarterly Report was missed due to labor issues.
The November 6, 2022 San Francisco election outcomes were all predictable as the incumbents won easily. Brooke Jenkins won the San Francisco D.A. job. In terms of crime, drug overdoses and homelessness, not much has changed since Jenkins became the D.A. save for the observation that Capp Street now seems to have more prostitution and a few more homeless camps. A good friend who works at 850 Bryant Street says that the jail is about as full as when Chesa Boudin was in charge. Boudin was recalled because he came to the job with long term ideas and radical solutions that did not promote incarceration for non-violent offenders. Politically that is a hard road as people want quick fixes for things were quick fixes do not exist. There are no short term solutions to homelessness.
Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi had no significant challengers and so kept their jobs.
In San Francisco, one of the tragic and strange events of the past six months was the home invasion of the Pelosi residence. Paul Pelosi eventually got clobbered in the head with a hammer. Evidently we must all be wary (or have a security detail) as there are all kinds of deranged people out there eating up the conspiracies brewing on the internet. To a speedy recovery Mr. Pelosi.
There has to be some adult supervision on the Republican side, in order to say, ‘Enough. Enough,”
Nancy Pelosi – November 2022
Proposition I – Vehicles on JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park and the Great Highway lost and Proposition J – Recreational Use of JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park passed. So confusing! This means that Golden Gate Park’s John F. Kennedy Drive will remain car-free. After all that confusion, what is sometimes lost is the actual schedule for the Great Highway.
Starting at noon on Friday and going until 6 a.m. on Monday, The Great Highway is closed to cars.

Vehicular Access Schedule
Vehicular access to the Upper Great Highway is open on:
Monday – starting at 6 a. m.
Tuesday – all day
Wednesday – all day
Thursday – all day
Friday – ending at 12 noon
This schedule started on August 16, 2021 and will be in place until the Board of Supervisors considers legislation on the future of the Great Highway beyond the pandemic emergency closure. Additional information can be found on the Mayor’s Press Release.
National Politics Quote to Chew On
By the way, Liz and I are not courageous. There’s no strength in this. We’re just surrounded by cowards. And then [in] complete contrast to cowardism [sic], it looks like courage when it’s just your bare duty.”
U.S. Congressman Adam Kinzinger – November 2022 from
Sporting News
Argentina won the World Cup against France in double overtime and penalties. It was an amazing World Cup and a perfect activity for some battling the latest round of colds, flu or COVID 19.
The San Francisco 49ers, with a great defense, a lot of stellar skill players on offence and a poised, talented, third string rookie quarterback named Brock Purdy are on an eight game winning streak and headed to the playoffs. This will be fun to watch as everyone loves the home team when they start winning.
Fortunately we have been getting some good storms this year. The first came in mid-November and dumped a few feet of snow on the Sierra. In December, there have been multiple weather systems come through bringing plenty of rain. Surf is definitely up at times.

COVID-19 Pandemic Update
While San Francisco for the last two years been a place were people wear masks out of respect the pandemic does seem to be waning. In public places like busses and libraries masks seem to be common but people are out and about and traffic is definitely back to pre-pandemic times.
Parklets, Haircuts and Where the Sun Does Shine
Some parklets seem to be staying and music events are everywhere. There are many really good bands in San Francisco. Remember to tip the band!
That is The Quarterly Report – December 2022.
Photo Gallery of SF
The Quarterly Report – December 2022